Six Hidden Benefits of Braces
Improving More than just Aesthetics At Magic Smiles Orthodontics, most of our patients associate braces with achieving a picture-perfect, straight smile. But the cosmetic transformation braces bring to your smile isn’t the only reason we encourage orthodontic treatment. The benefits of orthodontic treatment reach far beyond the aesthetics of your smile. Dr. Doleac and the team at Magic Smiles Orthodontics play a huge role in changing the look of your smile while also improving your overall oral health. We all know that braces change and improve the alignment of your teeth, but here are six other benefits from the Magic Smiles Orthodontics team. Improved Oral Health Did you know that crooked or misaligned teeth create the perfect environment for plaque and bacteria to reside? When your teeth are misaligned, the nooks and crannies serve as hiding spots for small particles of food. That hidden food turns into bacteria and plaque,