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Elastics for Braces - Everything You Need to Know

Elastics for Braces – Everything You Need to Know

Are you ready to begin orthodontic treatment? Are you ready for the Magic Smiles team to transform your smile? While orthodontic treatment will improve the look of your smile, it can also help correct your bite and can even improve the way your top and bottom jaw function together. Most people have heard of braces and understand what they do, straighten teeth, but do you know the purpose of elastics for braces? Metal braces, ceramic braces, and clear aligners are just part of the puzzle piece when it comes to straightening your teeth and correcting your bite. Another major player in the orthodontic treatment game is elastics. At Magic Smiles in Portland and Beaverton, OR, we use elastics alongside metal braces, ceramic braces, even clear aligners such as Invisalign. What are orthodontic elastics? Orthodontic elastics, more commonly known as “rubber bands,” are exactly that! These elastics look just like tiny

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How to Prepare for Braces

How to Prepare for Braces

At Magic Smiles in Portland and Beaverton, OR, we know that even though most people have braces or clear aligners at some point in their life, getting braces can still be nerve-wracking. If you are feeling nervous, remember, it’s totally normal to be nervous! Once you get your braces, you will never have the same smile again. This means getting your braces applied classifies as a major life event, and that validates a few nerves! Braces are an adjustment, but Dr. Jason Doleac and the entire Magic Smiles team want every patient’s braces journey to be smooth and pleasant. Luckily, there are various small things you can do before you get braces that will have a big impact on your treatment. From the items in your fridge, to your oral hygiene routine, we have compiled a short list of easy ways to help you adapt to braces. Clean your teeth

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5 Habits That can be Harmful to Your Teeth

Hello, Dr. Jason Doleac here with Magic Smiles Orthodontics in Beaverton, Scappoose, and Portland, OR. As your orthodontist, I want to teach you how to properly care for your teeth during and after your orthodontic treatment, so you can have the best smile possible!  Investing in the treatment process is a big commitment and we don’t want anything to harm your smile during that process. Caring for your new smiles  involves more than brushing, flossing and wearing your retainer. There are small behaviors you should be aware of that can have a negative impact on your teeth and your overall oral health. Because these habits typically come naturally to most of our patients, we want to make sure you are aware of them. Here are 5 Habits That can be Harmful to Your Teeth. Grinding Your Teeth Have you ever woken up in the morning with a sore and tense

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5 Tips to Step Up Your Home Dental Care

Hello again! Dr. Phil Doleac here with Magic Smiles Orthodontics and today we’d like to talk to you about cavities and your at-home dental care routine. We all dread finding out we have a cavity. Cavities often make us feel like we haven’t prioritized our oral health. Not only can cavities feel embarrassing, but they can also lead to tooth decay and gum disease, which are serious oral health problems. The good news is these are problems that can easily be prevented at home! The orthodontic experts in our Scappoose, Portland and Beaverton, OR offices are here to help you maintain a healthy mouth and set up your own personal dental care routine and habits to protect your mouth from tooth decay and gum disease! Brush, Floss and Don’t Forget the Mouthwash! Brushing and flossing every day is vital to the health of your teeth and gums. The American Dental

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Why Straight Teeth Matter

Why Straight Teeth Matter

Several patients pursue orthodontic treatment at Magic Smiles so they can have an aesthetic, straight smile, but straight teeth provide more than just a pretty smile. Your teeth are meant to line-up and fit together, so they can properly do their job. When you have crooked teeth or misaligned jaws, your teeth can’t properly do their job. This can lead to a variety of oral health issues. If you are considering visiting Dr. Doleac to receive orthodontic treatment, you will be contributing to your oral health, and even to your overall health by straightening your teeth. Here are a few reasons why straight teeth mean more than just a pretty smile. Crooked teeth are harder to clean First of all, crooked teeth are harder to keep clean than straight teeth. Misaligned teeth provide plaque with the perfect, almost impossible to reach hiding spots. Almost impossible for even the most thorough

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How Orthodontics Have Improved Over the Last 20 Years

How Orthodontics Have Improved Over the Last 20 Years

When you think about orthodontics, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Our potential patients here at Magic Smiles Orthodontics in Portland, OR, say that they think of clear aligners, but it hasn’t always been the most popular or prominent form of orthodontic treatment. When parents think back, they might remember bulky braces and headgear that made it hard to sleep. Luckily, a lot has changed in the orthodontic world in the last 20 years. More braces options than ever before Back in the day, braces meant chunky, painful silver brackets, with boring, tan rubber bands. At night, you were sporting those boring braces with some added headgear to correct your bite while you slept. Good luck getting comfy with headgear pieces attached to your chin and forehead. The orthodontic industry has really advanced in the last 20 years, and orthodontists have created several new treatment options for

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Three Reasons to Avoid Mail-Order Aligners

Three Reasons to Avoid Mail-Order Aligners

At Magic Smiles, we know that braces and clear aligners are basically considered an essential part of growing up for kids and teens, and the popularity of orthodontic treatment for adults is becoming more and more common. People want beautiful smiles that make them feel confident, and they want them quickly! Recently, mail-order aligners have become all the rage. Mail-order aligners are delivered right into your mailbox, so you never even have to leave your house or step foot into an orthodontist’s office. While this may seem extremely convenient, it is actually dangerous and may do more harm than good in the long term. Orthodontic treatment, whether with braces or aligners, involves moving bones, and should therefore be monitored with professional x-rays, orthodontic equipment and a trained professional that can properly review your moving bones. Mailing in a mold of your teeth, receiving aligners at your home, and never visiting

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Five Perks of Following Your Orthodontist on Social Media

Five Perks of Following Your Orthodontist on Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok are all social media apps we find ourselves, and our teens, browsing throughout the day. These social media platforms provide easy access to our friends, family members and even celebrities we follow. These platforms are also a practical way for patients to connect and stay up to date with their orthodontist! Dr. Doleac and his team at Magic Smiles want you to stay in the know with office happenings and updates. So why should you follow your dentist on social media? Are there really any perks, or should you just visit the Magic Smiles website to stay up to date on the latest and greatest updates? Here are the Five Perks of Following your Orthodontist on Social Media: Get to know our staff better and stay up to date on their achievements At Magic Smiles we love showcasing our team members on social media. From

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Everything You Need to Know About Overbites

Everything You Need to Know About Overbites

Many people think the sole purpose of braces is to provide a straight, aesthetic smile. While braces definitely correct crooked teeth, they are also imperative for fixing misaligned bites. It is super important to your overall oral health for your jaws to line up properly. Misalignment of the top and bottom jaws can cause chewing difficulties, breathing issues, speech problems, gum disease, and jaw pain. An overbite is classified by top teeth that protrude over the bottom teeth. In a proper bite, the top jaw sits one to two millimeters over the bottom jaw, but any further protrusion classifies the bite as an overbite. The severity of an overbite is measured by the degree of overlap. A higher degree of overlap means your case is more severe and your treatment will be more complex. Here at Magic Smiles in Portland, OR, we correct overbites in children, teens, and adults by

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5 Tips for Keeping Track of Your Retainer

5 Tips for Keeping Track of Your Retainer

After months of wearing braces or clear aligner trays, you finally have the smile of your dreams! And now that you know what your best ‘Magic Smile’ looks like, you of course want to keep it that way. That is where your retainer comes into play. Dr. Doleac will provide you with a retainer to keep your teeth from shifting after your treatment. For the first few months, you might have to wear your retainer during the day and at night. So keeping track of your retainer becomes extremely important. You don’t want to be without your retainer because the work those braces or clear aligners did can be reversed in a short amount of time. So you never have to worry about being without it, here are 5 tips for keeping track of your retainer. Place it in the case when you take it out It is a common

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