Caring for Your Invisalign® Aligners
You’ve selected the Invisalign system because of the many benefits Invisalign offers: comfort, convenience, appearance, and even potentially shorter treatment time! And to add to the good news, caring for your Invisalign aligners is easy and uncomplicated. Follow these simple tips to keep your aligners in the best possible shape as you move through the stages of your treatment. Stay Clean Always brush and floss your teeth before using your aligners so that bacteria and food particles will not have a chance to collect around your teeth while you wear them. When you brush your teeth, be sure to brush your aligners with a separate soft toothbrush and lukewarm water as well. Rinse your aligners whenever you remove them during the day. Soak your aligners as recommended. Use the Invisalign Cleaning System or ask our Portland, Beaverton, or Sacappoose, OR team for other suggestions to keep your aligners free from